Dental Bonding

Dental bonding consists of a tooth coloured composite resin that is applied to repair a decayed, chipped, fractured or discoloured tooth. Bonding which is a part of Cosmetic Dentistry, can be applied to a patient’s teeth in a single visit, and allows for custom reshaping and recolouring that will have your teeth looking at their best.

Dental Bonding at Abitibi Dental Centre

Bonding will cover any natural flaws through the application of a thin coating on the front surface of your teeth to which the bonding material is applied. The bonding is then sculpted, coloured, and shaped to provide the exact look and feel that you want!

The process of Dental Bonding, which falls under Cosmetic Dentistry, is very quick, usually taking between 30 minutes to an hour to complete. However, if you are having bonding performed on more than one tooth, it can take longer and could require multiple visits with our North York Dentists.

If you are looking to have a tooth, or multiple teeth repaired or reshaped our Thornhill Dentistry team at Abitibi Dental Centre is happy to assist you in your dental needs. We will sit down with you and provide you with various dental bonding options, and have you leaving with a smile you will be showing off for years to come! Come into our Yonge in Steeles location, or call our Thornhill Dentistry at 416-223-0550 today!

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